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Sunday, March 4, 2012

Japanese grandfather gored by 500 kilogram bull that wandered into his garden

Holy sh*t! Again! It seems that a 500 kilogram (about 1,100 pound) bull that was out for a walk got spooked by a motocycle and took off from his handler. The bull then wandered into the garden of a grandfather who was playing with his three little grandkids. When the grandfather tried to shield his kids, the bull gored him! Luckily the kids escaped harm!

The Yomiuri Newspaper reports:

A 56-year-old farmer was gored and seriously injured while he tried to protect his grandchildren from a 500-kilogram bull that had escaped from its owner on Tokunoshima island in Kagoshima Prefecture, according to police. The bull had wandered into the garden of Eio Okuyama in the town of Isen at about 2:50 p.m. Saturday. When Okuyama stood between the animal and his three granddaughters, aged between 8 months and 10 years, the bull gored him in the lower abdomen and tossed him about one meter into the air.

The 3-year-old bull was later captured on a nearby road. The bull lived about 1.5 kilometers from Okuyama's house, police said. The bull's owner reportedly told police the animal had run off after being startled by a passing motorcycle after it had been let out of a barn to go for a walk.

This has some scenes of Japanese bullfighting 

Like I said, "Holy sh*t!" Can you imagine playing in your garden without a care in the world and all of a sudden his huge bull just shows up and looks like he's mad? Have you ever stood close to a big bull? I have. They are huge! No. Make that HUGE! Like the size of a car! Their head is bigger than your torso!

I think I would have peed my pants to have this huge assed bull walk up on me in the back yard while I was playing with the kids in the garden. Talk about seeing your life flash in front of your eyes!

I wonder if they will destroy this bull or what type of penalty and retribution this animal's owner must pay to the injured man? 

Interestingly, I was sent this funny video about cows having their own revolution against man by fighting back against being eaten. My friend sent me this last night. It's called, "Cows With Guns." Hope you get a laugh out of it. 

Mad cows, indeed!

Thanks to News on Japan

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