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Sunday, September 11, 2011

Save Your Life With a Blender

Are you or your parents feeling poorly? Your health declining? Is your stomach constantly messed up? You have have all sorts of ailments like high-blood pressure or gout? 

Would you like to feel twenty years younger? Would you like to help your ailing parents feel better, even just a little bit? Well, you've come to the right place.

When I went to see my dad in hospice the other day, he looked like he was going to die at any minute. Around his eyes were dark and sunken. His cheeks looked the same. Throw in the oxygen tubes he had running in his nose and he looked like he could have keeled over and died at any moment.

That wasn't my dad. That guy near death was some guy I didn't even know.

My father was much worse than the last time I saw him three months ago. At that time, I went to see him right after he had been released from intensive care. We visited him and, within a week, he was up and walking around and feeling much better.

This time, on the first night, as I said, he looked like he was next to death. Besides an oxygen tank, he had a walker and couldn't safely make it by himself from the bedroom to the living room. He couldn't put on his clothes by himself nor could he even button his shirt.

By the time I left 7 days later, he was standing in the kitchen, without a walker, and was cooking his own biscuits and gravy (which, to my chagrin, he laced with salt before eating - as he has always done).

What was the secret to this miraculous conversion? Well, you can bet it wasn't because of the cocktail of chemicals he was being given by the doctors nor his SAD diet (consisting of heated up canned food). I believe that his quick recovery was due to my insistence that he drink one glass of raw vegetable and fruit juice before every meal. Then he can eat whatever he wants.

You don't even need a juicer. A regular old household blender is plenty suitable for making your own fruit and vegetable juice. Just throw in some celery, carrots, broccoli, cabbage, tomatoes, what-have-you with some bottled water then blend at high speed.

After that, add fruits to sweeten it up.

People will always tell you to eat healthy and cut down on processed foods and foods filled with chemicals and salt and other additives. That's obvious.

Everyone knows that eating healthy is better for you than eating the diet which is now referred to as, "SAD" (Standard American Diet).

If you were to list the factors that increase the risk of cancer, heart disease, stroke, intestinal disorders – just about any illness – the standard American diet has them all:
  • High in animal fats
  • High in unhealthy fats: saturated, hydrogenated
  • Low in fiber
  • High in processed foods
  • Low in complex carbohydrates
  • Low in plant-based foods
The striking fact is that cultures that eat the reverse of the standard American diet – low fat, high in complex carbohydrates, plant-based, and high in fiber – have a lower incidence of cancer and coronary artery disease (CAD). What's even more sad is that countries whose populations can afford to eat the healthiest disease-preventing foods don't. The United States has spent more money on cancer research than any country in the world, yet the American diet contributes to the very diseases we are spending money to prevent.

Yes. SAD is poison. But, as with people like my dad, you can't teach an old dog new tricks. He will still eat his mash potatoes and gravy and his steak and potatoes, but at least with a glass of homemade Frappe (juice) he fills his stomach up first and gets those raw veggies his body so desperately needs. And, if he has a glass of that before every meal, he won't eat as much salty chemical laced foods.

It's not the best solution but it is a practical one that worked wonders for me and my father.

It might work wonders for your too. Try it.

For more on raw food and the benefits of drinking raw juice and eating raw foods, check the Live Food Factor.

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