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Friday, November 26, 2010

US Military Antagonizing China and North Korea

On Wednesday Nov.24, I wrote about how we didn't get the true story about the North Korean army firing upon a South Korean Island.

Now it seems that the intrigue has deepened. 

Business Insider posts:

China has warned against military activity near its coastline ahead of U.S.-Korea naval exercises, according to Reuters.
China's Foreign Ministry said in an online posting that naval exercises risks starting a war: "We oppose any military act by any party conducted in China's exclusive economic zone without approval."
North Korea has also threatened to respond to military gestures with more attacks: "The situation on the Korean peninsula is inching closer to the brink of war due to the reckless plan of those trigger-happy elements to stage again war exercises targeted against the (North)."

Now things are beginning to make sense. Why in the world is the US Imperial military machine antagonizing North Korea and China?

Or  is this all, as many have suggested, a way to prop up a failing US dollar?

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