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Saturday, December 18, 2010

US Meddling in the Koreas Continues

The news this morning about what is going on over in Korea is not good. The saber's are rattling.

North Korea is accusing the US of goading South Korea into provoking North Korea (and rightly so). I can't believe that South Korea is actually going to go through with military exercises on a contested island, in North Korean waters!

The last time South Korea pulled that stunt, North Korea fired back on them... Of course.

Here is proof that South admitted firing first in the last incident in November of 2010:

Now, anybody with a lick of common sense must be scratching their head and wondering, "Why is South Korea going to do these sorts of live-fire exercises again?"

You know they would never do this without US approval. Think about it for even one second, does anyone think that South Korea would be so belligerent and boisterous if they knew the US wasn't standing right beside them? Why are these people risking a hot war?

Chinese News Xinhuanet reports:

PYONGYANG, Dec. 18 (Xinhua) -- The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) on Saturday accused the United States of goading South Korea into provoking it, the official news agency KCNA reported.
South Korea's plan to hold firing drills again on Yonphyong Island was an "intolerable tease" and "absolutely unfair bellicose provocation," a spokesman for DPRK's Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement on Saturday.
The move would lead the situation on the peninsula to an explosion and bring about tragic disasters if it broke the bottom, he said.
The DPRK has sent warnings that provocateurs who infringe on its sovereignty and territory would be punished "firmly and unmercifully." It is not empty talk, the spokesman said.
He pointed out that the United States should be blamed for South Korea's manipulation over the second shelling incident, as it has openly supported the provocation of South Korea and threatened the DPRK over its defense measures, ignoring opposition from neighboring countries and the international community.

The article then goes on to point out that, in upcoming live-fre drills, no matter where South Korea fires, the shells will land in North Korean territory.

South Korean declared Dec. 16 that a live fire artillery drill would be held in waters south-west of Yonphyong Island near the disputed maritime border on a selected day from Dec. 18-21, depending on weather conditions.
The situation on the peninsula has been getting tense since the exchange of artillery fire on Nov. 23 between South Korea and the DPRK, which killed four people.
No matter where the firing was directed, all of the shells would fall into the DPRK's territorial waters, as Yonphyong Island is in the territorial waters of the DPRK, the country's foreign ministry said in a statement on Nov. 24.

Is there any nation in the world that would tolerate live-fire exercises in their own territory by another country? I think not.

Regular reader, Andy, also sends along an excellent article that shows that this disputed boundary was arbitrarily decided by the USA and has never been recognized by North Korea. He also adds, "The islands should be returned to North Korea and the borders redrawn consistent with international law."

I completely agree.

There is nothing good that comes out of having the USA flexing military muscle around in Asia - or anywhere else in the world for that matter.

USA out of Asia!

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