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Sunday, February 13, 2011

Coppola Wine Event at W Omotesando Cellar Grill

A really fantastic new restaurant has opened up in Omote Sando. Just 20 seconds walk from Omote Sando station (Exit B2). The restaurant is called "W Omotesando - The Cellar Grill" and the food, drink and atmosphere are excellent. The restaurant is open everyday from 11:30 am to midnight. Lunch from 11:30 - 2:30 pm and dinner is from 5:30 pm - Midnight. 

Entrance to W Omotesando The Cellar Grill

The restaurant has been open for a few weeks now but they are having their first big event on Wednesday March 9, 2011 in cooperation with iwine.jp. If you want to go, reserve your tickets now because this place is getting a buzz really quick and becoming very popular very fast.

Here are details for the March 9 event:

[W Omotesando - The Cellar Grill] Francis Ford Coppola Winemaker's Dinner
iwine.jp presents an evening wine dinner event at the newly opened W Omotesando - The Cellar Grill, with a great line up of the Francis Ford Coppola Winery.

At W Omotesando, the focus is on great wines and tasty dishes that pair together perfectly. This is a must-visit new restaurant, located conveniently in Omotesando, just 1 minute walk from exit B2.

The lovely Heather de Savoye and Emily Putman from Francis Ford Coppola Winery will both be on hand to chat about the wines.

We hope you can join us for this fantastic opportunity to taste the amazing wines of Francis Ford Coppola in the heart of Omotesando, where the kitchen crew at W Omotesando - The Cellar Grill will be putting out an exciting array of dishes to compliment the wines.

-Wednesday, March 9, 2011
-7:00pm - 10:00pm
-W Omotesando - The Cellar Grill (03-3400-3552)
-Address: Aoyama Parks Bldg. B1F, Kita Aoyama 3-10-6, Minato-Ku
-5,000 Yen including tax and service
-Four Course Dinner
-To Reserve Tickets? Click here.
The following is a list of wines that will be served that evening:
-Sofia Sparkling
-Sofia Rose
-Director’s Cut Chardonnay
-Francis Ford Coppola Reserve Pinot Noir (special for party)
-Diamond Collection Claret
-surprise wines, giveaways and more...

・日時:2011年3月9日 水曜日 19:00~22:00
・場所:ダブリュー表参道 ザ セラーグリル (03-3400-3552)
東京都港区北青山3-10-6 青山パークスビル B1F
・価格:1名様¥5,000 (ワイン/お食事/サービス料込み)
申し込みはこちら  www.iwine.jp/wcellargrill/
・ソフィア ブラン・ド・ブラン
・ソフィア ロゼ
・ディレクターズ・カット シャルドネ
・《未発売ワイン》リザーブ ピノ・ノワール
・ダイアモンド・コレクション クラレット


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-Four Course Dinner (details TBA)

Here's a map to W Omotesando Cellar Grill:

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